The new F2 Missile XS claims to be
the lightest production
board in existence. It
weighs under 4 kilos and
has more than a passing
similarity to Finian
Maynard’s and Karin
Jaggis’s speed board. In
fact F2 say that the rocker
line and outline are direct
copies of the custom
boards used by the pair in
the World record runs. The board also has similar double concaves and boxy
rails, which allow easier starting of this very low volume board, like the
originals. The rest of the spec pretty well sums up the uses of the board. It’s
made in carbon sandwich, hence the lack of weight, measures 223 x 43 cms
and has a volume of 54 litres. The fin range is 22 to 28 cms in a Tuttle box
and the intended sail range is 4.5 to 6.4 square metres. The new 2007 model
has been rushed out in time for the opening of the Canal at Sts. Marie de la
Mer, France and the start of the next record breaking attempts – remember
the goal is fifty knots plus. A larger version available in July will have air pipes
like the F2 SX and adjustable cut-outs.