F2 SX Medium 103 - windsurfing equipment
windsurfing equipment: F2 SX Medium 103

1 Mayıs 2009 Cuma

F2 SX Medium 103

F2 have not made any secret of their design
direction – with two world speed records to
their name and the slogan ‘life’s too short to be
slow’ written on the front cover of their catalogue,
they are in business to make fast boards! The SX
slalom series comprises of three sizes, the Medium
version tested here packing in 103L of volume. At
first glance it has several interesting features, namely
the brand’s unique Airpipes leading through the
board from the deck (by the back straps) to hollow
cut-out channels in the tail. With a short yet wide
outline the SX has quite a rounded bulbous nose, its
maximum width placed well forward of the board’s
mid-point. Produced in 3K carbon sandwich
construction it comes supplied with a 36cm G10 fin
and is finished beautifully, really drawing the eye and
Ride and Handling
With enough stability at idle to take an 8.5m without
issue, the SX gets onto plane quickly, responding
well to the provision of power and rising up to sit
high on the surface of the water. The thick bulbous
nose of the board is suspended clear from any
danger, whilst the board’s lively responsive nature
enables the rider to pick their course through difficult
sea states. Similarly, the footstraps are ideally placed,
being easy to locate yet comfortable regardless of
riding style, the deckpads providing good adhesion
to the board. In marginal to comfortably powered
conditions, the SX is effortless to sail well, trimming
itself instinctively whilst feeling light, crisp and super
compact underfoot. The fin offers plenty of useable
feedback, helping you to drive the board upwind at
an impressive angle and beat most to the mark. In
strengthening winds and more challenging
conditions, the SX comes into its own, never losing
its manners, the tail sticking to the water whilst the fin
does its part to maintain control. If the board does
rail up in a gust, the fin never gives way, providing
the rider with time to sheet out, regain the trim and
drive the board at speed once again. Immensely
rewarding and comfortable to sail for long periods, its
composure encourages you to load it more and
explore its seemingly limitless top end.
Despite its thick shoulder profile, the SX has a
significant amount of tuck in its rail shape, making it
surprisingly easy and forgiving in the gybe. Holding
its speed well, it is very versatile in the arc it can
adopt, equally happy cruising through a drawn-out
corner as it is being driven in with an assertive riding
style. It is also relatively easy to tack, the width and
volume forward of the mast track providing the time
and stability to complete the manoeuvre.
For: Stunning speed and ease coupled with
immaculate control.
Against: A beautifully crafted board that needs to be
treated with care and respect, especially the edges
of the channelled tail cut-outs.

Length (cm) 235
Width (cm) 69
Vol (L) 103
Weight (Kg) 7.35
Fin F2 G10 36cm (Deep Tuttle)
Sail Range 6.5-9.0m
Price £1095.00